We follow a spiritual path, a path of spiritual love centred on the Personhood of Christ and the Holy Eucharist.We nurture the vocations and missions of the laity in the world, in response to the Call to Holiness which is an invitation to all of us baptised in the Catholic faith. Priests and missionaries of the Eucharist each adopt the same spirituality and pursue the same objectives of the Houses of Adoration, thus helping each to live out their vocation and mission.
The Holy Family as a model for our lives
Imitating the Virgin Mary as at her home in Nazareth, souls in adoration do not spend a single day without looking at the Living Christ, with a love of worshipping Him. We are in a state of slumber until the day of His Return, thus we prepare in the silence of our souls a life in union with Christ, for the ardently awaited event of His Glorious Coming.
Scattered throughout the world…
The mission of the Houses of Adoration is the rising agent of life, like yeast in the dough, reaching all countries, and different environments, where we find ourselves. In so doing, we are a real model for learning our Catholic faith.

On permanent mission
These Houses of Adoration are on a mission of constant “swarm” in order to bring to the world the Love of Jesus, in the Holy Eucharist by a genuine ministry of “visitation” rooted in the simplicity of daily life. It is the spirituality of receiving our Daily Bread.
By our intensely Eucharistic life, the Houses of Adoration comprise a people of worship in the world, working towards the fulfilment of the Reign of the Holy Eucharist globally. By their consecration, the lay faithful are preparing for the consecration of the world to the Living Person of Jesus Christ, Present in the Holy Eucharist.